The Unity Project Mega Course

Transform Your Life with The Unity Project Certified Course – A Journey of Self-Discovery and Inner Healing

Mon 13th Jan – Fri 17th
10am – 2pm

A Comprehensive Course Designed for Women Seeking Lasting Change

The Unity Project Mega Course is a transformative online course meticulously crafted to guide women through a profound journey of self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal empowerment. Designed by Nickita Starck, founder of When Push Comes To Shove a specialist in trauma and emotional development, this course offers a blend of practical tools, deep psychological insights, and a nurturing community environment. It’s tailored for women who are eager to heal their core wounds, understand their emotional and psychological patterns, and manifest a life that resonates with love, authenticity, and inner peace.

During this course participants will engage in a series of interactive modules that dive deep into understanding and healing core emotional wounds. The course promotes a shift from seeking external validation to finding inner wisdom—’innerstanding’ rather than just understanding. Through exploring different attachment styles and enhancing relationship skills, the course also aims to help participants build healthier, more fulfilling connections. Additionally, ‘Heal Her’ incorporates teachings on manifesting abundance and implementing the Four Agreements into personal relationships. Participants will learn emotional regulation techniques and cultivate self-love, setting a strong foundation for a transformed, authentic life.”

Key benefits

Pregnancy law

Heal Core Wounds and Break Free from Limiting Patterns

Break Free from Self-Sabotage: Address deep-seated emotional wounds like inadequacy and fear of abandonment, which often lead to self-sabotage and toxic relationship patterns. Heal Her empowers you to rewrite your emotional script and embrace your true potential.

Medical ethics

Shift from External Validation to Inner Wisdom

Find True Self-Discovery: Stop seeking approval from others and start trusting your inner wisdom.  This Mega Course helps you cultivate “innerstanding,” allowing you to make decisions aligned with your authentic self and live a life of fulfillment.

Build Healthy, Fulfilling Relationships

Transform Your Attachment Style: Whether you struggle with anxiety in relationships or avoid emotional intimacy, Heal Her provides practical strategies to shift towards a secure attachment style, leading to deeper, more meaningful connections.

Social services

Replace Triggers with Glimmers of Insight

Master Your Emotions: Learn to recognise and transform negative triggers into positive moments of clarity and growth. Heal Her gives you the tools to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.


Manifest Abundance by Changing Your Inner Scripts

Attract the Life You Desire: Your beliefs shape your reality. This course helps you identify and change limiting beliefs, opening the door to wealth, success, and abundance in every area of your life.

The NHS Constitution

Connect with a Supportive Community of Like-Minded Women

Find Your Tribe: Join a community of women who are on the same journey of healing and growth. Share your experiences, gain insights, and build lasting connections in a supportive, judgment-free environment.

The NHS Constitution

Experience Lasting Transformation

Create Lifelong Change: This course isn’t just about quick fixes—it’s about creating sustainable, long-term transformation. The tools and practices you’ll learn are designed to integrate seamlessly into your life, ensuring lasting change.


What is covered

Course Modules

This module lays the foundation for your journey by diving deep into the core emotions that shape your life. Understanding these emotions is crucial for healing and personal growth.

What to Expect:

  • Explore Primary Emotions: Learn about the fundamental emotions such as fear, anger, joy, and sadness, and how they influence your thoughts, behaviours, and relationships.
  • Emotional Awareness: Develop skills to identify and process your emotions in real-time, leading to better emotional regulation and mental clarity.
  • Healing Through Awareness: Discover how acknowledging and understanding your core emotions can initiate deep healing and release emotional pain.

This module focuses on the concept of the ego and its role in creating false identities that keep you disconnected from your true nature.

What to Expect:

  • Understanding the Ego: Explore how the ego is formed, its role in your life, and how it often leads to fear-based decisions.
  • True Nature: Discover your true self beyond the ego’s limitations and learn to connect with your authentic being.
  • Ego vs. True Nature in Daily Life: Gain insights into how to recognize when your ego is in control and how to shift back to living from your true nature.

This module explores the concept of collective consciousness and its impact on individual experiences and global events.

What to Expect:

  • The Power of Collective Thought: Understand how collective beliefs and emotions shape societal norms and world events.
  • Your Role in the Collective: Learn how your individual consciousness contributes to the collective and how you can influence it positively.
  • Healing the Collective: Discover practices for healing collective wounds and raising the overall vibration of humanity through personal growth.
In this module, you’ll delve into the concept of generational trauma, particularlyas it pertains to women, and how it influences your life today.

What to Expect:

  • Understanding Generational Trauma: Explore how trauma is passed down through generations, especially within the female lineage.
  • The Woman’s Wound: Examine the specific traumas and societal pressures that women have historically faced and continue to face.
  • Healing Generational Wounds: Learn techniques to heal these deep-seated wounds, breaking the cycle of trauma for future generations.

This module focuses on the subconscious scripts and beliefs that dictate your actions, relationships, and life outcomes.

What to Expect:

  • Identifying Scripts: Learn to recognise the subconscious beliefs that are running your life, often without your conscious awareness.
  • Origins of Scripts: Explore how these scripts are formed, often in childhood, and how they are reinforced over time.
  • Rewriting Your Story: Gain tools to rewrite these scripts, creating a new narrative that aligns with your true desires and goals.
This module examines the connection between emotional blocks and physical illness, emphasising the importance of emotional healing for overall well-being.

What to Expect:

  • Emotions and the Body: Discover how unresolved emotions can manifest as physical illness or chronic pain.
  • Identifying Emotional Blocks: Learn to identify emotional blocks that may be contributing to your physical ailments.
  • Healing Through Emotional Release: Explore techniques to release these blocks, promoting healing on both an emotional and physical level.
In this module, you’ll explore the sabotaging patterns that hinder your progress and why positive thinking alone isn’t enough to create lasting change.

What to Expect:

  • Understanding Sabotage: Learn about the self-sabotaging behaviours that keep you stuck in negative cycles.
  • The Limits of Positive Thinking: Discover why positive thinking, while helpful, isn’t a cure-all and how it needs to be combined with deeper inner work.
  • Overcoming Sabotage: Gain practical strategies to identify and overcome these patterns, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

This module focuses on discovering your true purpose in life and how to align with it to create a fulfilling and meaningful existence.

What to Expect:

  • Discovering Your Purpose: Explore the idea that your primary job in life is to serve the world with love and act on divine inspiration.
  • Alignment with Purpose: Learn how to align your daily actions with your higher purpose, creating a life of significance and joy.
  • Living with Intent: Develop practices to stay connected to your purpose, even in the face of challenges.
This module dives into the deeper, often overlooked messages within religious teachings, focusing on love, authenticity, and inner wisdom.

What to Expect:

  • Beyond Dogma: Learn to differentiate between dogmatic teachings and the underlying messages of love found in all major religions.
  • Metaphors and Teachings: Explore the metaphors within religious texts that guide us toward inner wisdom and self-discovery.
  • Personal Application: Discover how to apply these teachings to your life in a way that transcends fear and embraces love.
This module addresses the complex relationship between money and emotions, helping you to understand and transform your financial mindset.

What to Expect:

  • Money and Emotions: Examine how your beliefs and emotions around money shape your financial reality.
  • Scarcity vs. Abundance: Learn to shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance, allowing wealth to flow more freely into Manifesting
  • Financial Freedom: Gain tools to reprogram your financial scripts and manifest a life of financial independence and abundance.

Overview: This module provides deep insights into the dynamics of relationships, from attachment styles to emotional patterns, helping you create healthier connections.

What to Expect:

  • Understanding Attachment Styles: Explore how your attachment style influences your relationships and learn how to shift towards a more secure style.
  • Core Wounds in Relationships: Understand how core wounds like fear of rejection and abandonment play out in your relationships.
  • Building Healthy Relationships: Learn practical strategies to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and cultivate deeper, more fulfilling relationships.

This module explores the concept of 3D and 5D consciousness, helping you understand the shift from a fear-based to a love-based reality.

What to Expect:

  • 3D Consciousness: Understand the characteristics of 3D consciousness, including fear, separation, and materialism.
  • 5D Consciousness: Learn about the attributes of 5D consciousness, such as unity, love, and higher awareness.
  • Making the Shift: Gain insights into how to elevate your consciousness from 3D to 5D, creating a life of greater peace and fulfilment.

The final module offers a practical guide to raising your consciousness, providing steps to integrate all that you’ve learned throughout the course.

What to Expect:

  • The Seven Steps: Learn seven practical steps to elevate your consciousness and align with your highest self.
  • Integration Practices: Discover daily practices that help you embody higher consciousness in your everyday life.
  • Living in Alignment: Understand how to maintain this elevated state of being, creating a life of continuous growth and inner peace.

“In the time I have worked with Nickita I have managed to resolve and uncover deep core wounds that have been stopping me from moving forward, making steps to live authentically as me and interrupting the process of people pleasing and shame.

After years of therapy with numerous therapists and coaches, Nickita was able to help me get right to the core of my anxiety and depression. What really stood out for me was how person-centred Nickita is . She doesn’t follow one modality and then wonders why there are no results! Being neurodivergent, it was paramount that someone could deliver information that my brain could process and she did this just beautifully as well as tailoring self-regulation techniques that would be beneficial for me.

I knew that I needed someone on the spiritual path and always
felt like this was a core part of what was missing with all the other help I have received. Being so lovingly held helped me feel safe enough to explore and be curious. She has such an intuitive way of working and knew when I was at the threshold of my own capacity; I never felt pushed too far. I think it’s important to say that throughout the mentoring process it was always led by me , as someone who has felt very out of control, this was my safety. Whatever came up was listened to sensitively, curiously and explored with open questioning.

Thank you so much for allowing such an open dialogue in a space of safety and divine holding”

Louise C

Nickita Starck

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Nickita Starck is a prominent figure in women’s health and spiritual development. As the founder of When Push Comes To Shove, Nickita has revolutionised the field of maternity care. Her expertise spans across spiritual and self-development, with a strong focus on women’s health. Currently pursuing her PhD in Lifestyle Medicine, Nickita’s commitment to transforming lives through holistic approaches is unwavering. She is an internationally renowned speaker known for her impactful talks that aim to heal trauma and empower women. Her teachings on physiological childbirth are highly sought after by midwives, doctors, expectant mothers, and birth enthusiasts. However, Nickita believes that true transformation in childbirth and women’s lives goes beyond superficial education; it lies in self-development and healing core wounds.

Her approach is centred on the belief that the answer to changing the landscape of birth and women’s empowerment is not only found in external knowledge but in the transformation of consciousness. She is dedicated to helping women discover their inner superpower, moving away from the constant search for external salvation. Her influence extends to numerous well-known platforms, including appearances on famous podcasts such as Richard Vobes, Doc Malik, Mark Attwood, and Tess Laurie. Nickita has also delivered talks at prestigious events like The Better Way Conference, The People’s Health Alliance, universities, and various freedom events. Additionally, she authors a popular blog focused on healing core wounds and spiritual self-development.

Payment Options

Join The Unity Project Mega Course

Pay in Full

£444From £895 until Jan 2025
  • Live Online Course
  • Recorded Calls & Learning Center
  • Live Calls & Group Coaching
  • 13 Modules
  • Handbooks
  • Resources
  • WhatsApp Support Group
  • Accredited Certificate

Payment plans are available on request. Click here to contact me.

Mon 13th Jan – Fri 17th 2025

10am – 2pm

on zoom

Woman on laptop contacting when push comes to shove

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