
Understanding Oligohydramnios: The Crucial Role of Nutrition and Blood Volume in Pregnancy

Understanding Oligohydramnios: The Crucial Role of Nutrition and Blood Volume in Pregnancy Oligohydramnios, a condition characterised by an insufficient amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby during pregnancy, is [...]

December 3, 2023|Pregnancy & Birth Education|

Navigating the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Unassisted Births

  Navigating the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Unassisted Births Unassisted childbirth, or freebirth, is a decision some women make for a variety of personal reasons. These can range [...]

Navigating the Freebirth Journey: How to Legally Notify Your Baby Post-Unassisted Birth

Navigating the Freebirth Journey: How to Legally Notify Your Baby Post-Unassisted Birth   Introduction Welcoming a new life into the world through freebirth, or unassisted childbirth, is a profound [...]

The Mystery of Meconium-Stained Liquor: Dispelling Myths and Unraveling the Truth

Introduction: During labour, the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid can trigger a cascade of interventions that may not always be necessary. This blog post aims to shed [...]



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