Another popular reason for induction these days is ‘small’ baby. Well what does this actually mean?
The letter can be helpful because it allows you to ask important questions and express your concerns regarding your baby’s health and the proposed medical intervention. It shows that you are an informed and responsible patient who wants to make a well-informed decision about your baby’s care.
The letter addresses several key issues, such as the definition of “small,” the accuracy of gestational age, the risks and benefits of induction, and the potential adverse outcomes of the proposed intervention. It also asks for evidence-based information to support the consultant’s recommendation and raises important questions about the potential long-term consequences of a premature birth.
By sending the letter, you are advocating for yourself and your baby and demonstrating your willingness to work collaboratively with your healthcare provider. This can help ensure that you receive the best possible care and that your concerns are addressed in a timely and respectful manner.
Your Name
Your Address
Consultant midwife / Consultant/Trust Directors Name
Hospital Address
Dear [Consultant Midwife/ consultant ]
I attended a scan appointment today ***** and I was told my baby was ‘small’ (*lb **) at ** weeks and * days so was advised to be induced {insert date}
I have a few questions before I agree to your proposed intervention
- Please define ‘small’ and are all babies that are born at *lb* unhealthy? Are you taking into consideration Neagle’s rule, scan dates or my personal cycle to say my gestation is accurate?
- If you are so concerned about my baby’s health why are you proposing an induction in (how many days time)
- If indeed my baby is small for dates, what alternatives are there for induction of labour?
- Can you guarantee there will be no adverse outcomes from the proposed intervention?
- Can you please show me evidence based information that shows my baby will be safer outside of my womb?
- How many babies in your trust are admitted to a special care unit after IOL?
- As you know the normal gestation period is between 37-42 weeks (Middleton et al 2013 WHO 1996) and sometimes longer. With this in mind, it might be entirely possible that my baby may not be due for another few weeks. If indeed my baby is not due for a few weeks, why do you think it is necessary to induce a premature baby?
- Would you like to comment on the Matthews & McDorman study 2013 that states babies born in the late preterm period are three times more likely to die in the first year of life?
I am sure you will understand my need to be fully informed before agreeing to any medical intervention.
Would you be so kind as to answer my questions within 48 hours please? I am nearing the end of my pregnancy and wish to enjoy this period rather than feeling pressured which is subsequently causing me high levels of stress.
Thank you very much
Kind regards
[Sign Name]
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